Trans and Queer Affirming Care in Dietetics

As a gender non-conforming (GNC) provider, many people reach out to me to give talks or workshops on trans affirming care. Most of these folks think this means the more clinical or medical aspects of care, like calculating calorie needs or how to support clients undergoing gender affirming interventions. Many folks might also be looking for checklists or action items to be more inclusive or signal they are safer.

While those can certainly be helpful, what I actually find to be more powerful and relevant is examining our internalized cisheteronormativity (we all have it!) and how we best support our GNC and/or queer clients in the most compassionate, humanizing, relational way. I.e. our counseling skills and unpacking of internalized biases.

So when you’re working with trans or queer clients, I recommend learning about both clinical and counseling strategies to best support them. I am most passionate about supporting clinicians and other care providers on the counseling side of things, and I do not provide education or trainings on the clinical aspects of care. There are many great providers and organizations out there that do, so if that is what you are most needing I would recommend:

I also want to make it clear that I don’t specialize in trans affirming care simply by being trans. Please keep in mind that all trans people are not experts on educating others about being trans.

Thank you for your understanding. Rooting for us all, always.